This week's publishing news and industry blogs post goes from July 7-July 24.
Publishing News
Authors United calls on members to sign a letter calling for the antitrust division of the US Department of Justice to start an investigation of Amazon due to its current market hold on the ebook world.

The Anderson family will be buying all the Books-A-Million shares they don't already own, taking the company private.
The Authors Guild urges Congress to replace the DMCA's "Notice and Takedown" regime with a "Notice and Stay Down" protocol, requiring internet service providers to filter their networks for pirated works. Resistance comes from the ISPs and other groups who make the claim that there isn't an easy way to filter such networks without interfering with the rights of the public.
The Authors Guild also seeks the standard traditional publishers' e-book royalty rate to be increased from the most common 25% it currently is.
Industry Blogs
On Writer Beware, agent Victoria Strauss warns authors away from designer who has a conviction for fraudulent activity. She also warns them from a "talent scout" magazine that's purely pay-to-play: Worldclass.
Agent Jessica Faust tells authors to relax when it comes to pitches. She also talks about what happens when one agent passes a manuscript to another agent (and why it might happen).
Agent Janet Reid gives advice and answers questions. She shares ten red flags that turn her off any query. If an agent leaves an agency, do her queries/submissions go with her or stay with the agency? (Usually go with the agent to the new agency, but it's worth checking.) She also offers advice for talking to agents in the wild. Also, she shares a couple of eyebrow-raisers: subbing to agents/editors at the same time, and a small publisher that loudly proclaims it "doesn't charge" for things publishers don't usually charge for.
Agent Kristin Nelson explains why "a small client list" for an agent is a necessity--and why "small" varies from agent to agent, with some agents having bigger small lists than others. And guest poster Angie Hodapp tells authors to audit their own royalty statements: it's worth it.
Agent Nephele Tempest posts Friday links for 7/3 and 7/10 and 7/17.
On QueryTracker, Rochelle Deans reminds witers that there's no such thing as talent--at least, not compared to skill and practice. Don't be afraid to write something horrible; it's part of the process of learning to write well.
Author Jane Morrissey talks about how to write a great sex scene on the Futuristic, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance blog.
Oh no! You're at a writers conference and you meet someone you really want to work with, but you made a bad first impression! Agent Mary Keeley talks about how to recover from a bad first impression.
How much are the currencies of famous fictional worlds worth? An infographic compares $10 with British pounds and American dollars.
Publishing News
Authors United calls on members to sign a letter calling for the antitrust division of the US Department of Justice to start an investigation of Amazon due to its current market hold on the ebook world.

The Anderson family will be buying all the Books-A-Million shares they don't already own, taking the company private.
The Authors Guild urges Congress to replace the DMCA's "Notice and Takedown" regime with a "Notice and Stay Down" protocol, requiring internet service providers to filter their networks for pirated works. Resistance comes from the ISPs and other groups who make the claim that there isn't an easy way to filter such networks without interfering with the rights of the public.
The Authors Guild also seeks the standard traditional publishers' e-book royalty rate to be increased from the most common 25% it currently is.
Industry Blogs
On Writer Beware, agent Victoria Strauss warns authors away from designer who has a conviction for fraudulent activity. She also warns them from a "talent scout" magazine that's purely pay-to-play: Worldclass.
Agent Jessica Faust tells authors to relax when it comes to pitches. She also talks about what happens when one agent passes a manuscript to another agent (and why it might happen).
Agent Janet Reid gives advice and answers questions. She shares ten red flags that turn her off any query. If an agent leaves an agency, do her queries/submissions go with her or stay with the agency? (Usually go with the agent to the new agency, but it's worth checking.) She also offers advice for talking to agents in the wild. Also, she shares a couple of eyebrow-raisers: subbing to agents/editors at the same time, and a small publisher that loudly proclaims it "doesn't charge" for things publishers don't usually charge for.
Agent Kristin Nelson explains why "a small client list" for an agent is a necessity--and why "small" varies from agent to agent, with some agents having bigger small lists than others. And guest poster Angie Hodapp tells authors to audit their own royalty statements: it's worth it.
Agent Nephele Tempest posts Friday links for 7/3 and 7/10 and 7/17.
On QueryTracker, Rochelle Deans reminds witers that there's no such thing as talent--at least, not compared to skill and practice. Don't be afraid to write something horrible; it's part of the process of learning to write well.
Author Jane Morrissey talks about how to write a great sex scene on the Futuristic, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance blog.
Oh no! You're at a writers conference and you meet someone you really want to work with, but you made a bad first impression! Agent Mary Keeley talks about how to recover from a bad first impression.
How much are the currencies of famous fictional worlds worth? An infographic compares $10 with British pounds and American dollars.
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